GTA 6 Wildlife Guide: Every Confirmed Animal, Bird, and Fish
In this section, you’ll find a comprehensive guide to the animal species featured in Grand Theft Auto VI, including all land animals, birds, and sea creatures that make up the GTA 6 wildlife and ecosystem.
GTA 6 is set in the fictional locales of Vice City and Leonida, inspired by Miami and Southern Florida. This raises the question: what animals will inhabit the world of GTA 6?
Here, we will explore all the confirmed and potential animals in GTA 6, including those returning from GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 2, as well as the native wildlife of Florida. Let’s dive in.
Exploring Wildlife in Grand Theft Auto VI
Southern Florida is home to a unique and thriving ecosystem known as The Everglades. Despite its reduced size over the years, The Everglades remains a vital and distinctive environment.
Building on the success of Red Dead Redemption 2, GTA 6 is expected to feature a diverse array of wildlife. Animals in GTA 6 will contribute to a dynamic and realistic ecosystem, with each species fighting for its place in the food chain.
Several animals have already been confirmed for GTA 6, either from the leaked footage in September 2022 or from the first official trailer of the game.
Animals Confirmed for Grand Theft Auto VI
![]() Alligator |
![]() Chihuahua |
![]() Crane |
![]() Deer |
![]() Dolphin |
![]() Duck |
![]() Flamingo |
![]() Heron |
![]() Iguana |
![]() Pelican |
![]() Rottweiler |
![]() Sea Turtle |
![]() Shark |
Here is a list of animals that have been confirmed to appear in Grand Theft Auto VI, based on sightings in leaked footage or the official trailer:
Alligator (confirmed from Trailer 1) Bobcats (confirmed from leak) Birds (various species) Boar (confirmed from leak) Bucks (confirmed from leak) Cows (confirmed from leak) Crayfish (confirmed from leak) Deers (confirmed from Trailer 1) Dolphins (confirmed from Trailer 1) |
Dogs (confirmed from Trailer 1) Ducks (confirmed from Trailer 1) Flamingos (confirmed from Trailer 1) Fish (various species) Frogs (confirmed from leak) Herons (confirmed from leak) Iguanas (confirmed from leak) Pigeon (confirmed from leak) Possum (confirmed from leak) |
Raccoons (confirmed from leak) Rats (confirmed from leak) Sea Turtles (confirmed from Trailer 1) Seagull (confirmed from Trailer 1) Sharks (confirmed from Trailer 1) Skunks (confirmed from leak) Snakes (confirmed from leak) Squirrel (confirmed from leak) Whales (confirmed from leak) |
Many of the animals listed above are native to Florida or are significant invasive species. While it’s unlikely that every animal from RDR2 will make a return, GTA 6 is expected to be more detailed than Red Dead, promising a richer ecosystem compared to GTA V.
What Other Animals Could Be in GTA 6?
Here’s a list of potential animals we anticipate could appear in GTA 6, including those that might return from GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 2:
Beaver Black Bear Cats Chickens Chipmunks Cormorant Coyotes Cranes Crows Eagles Egrets |
Foxes Goose Gulls Hawks Horses Key Deer Lionfish Manatees Manta Rays Muskrat Octopus |
Osceola Turkey Otters Panther Pelicans Pigs Rabbits Reptiles Sheep Spoonbills Vultures |
The leaks have indicated that hunting and fishing will be activities in GTA 6, making a return from RDR2. While many fish species from RDR2 are expected to reappear, we can also anticipate new species and other marine life specific to Florida, which is known for its top-notch fishing spots.
Florida’s invasive species problem, which severely impacts the environment, presents a unique opportunity for the game. It would be fitting for GTA 6 to feature a stranger mission where players are tasked with eliminating invasive species, guided by an eccentric Floridian character. This would be a perfect addition to the game’s unique and quirky missions.
Imagine how amazing it would be to go camping in the Grassrivers or the game’s version of the Keys? With GTA 6 on the horizon, we can expect a vibrant, detailed world. We just need to be patient a little longer.
Wildlife in Rockstar’s Past Titles
Rockstar Games’ immersive worlds are celebrated for their intricate details and stunning visuals. However, earlier titles in their portfolio featured minimal or no wildlife. This all changed with the release of the first Red Dead Redemption, which introduced an unprecedented variety of animals for a Rockstar game.
The animal textures in Red Dead Redemption were decent, though not exceptionally detailed. Given the game’s technical challenges and near-miss release on PlayStation 3, it’s understandable why Rockstar didn’t prioritize hyper-detailed animal models. While including animals was essential for the game’s Western setting, Rockstar wisely kept their approach practical and within the game’s constraints.
Exploring the Animal Kingdom in GTA V
Then came Grand Theft Auto V. For the first time since San Andreas, the game featured an expansive countryside, and Rockstar took the opportunity to introduce more animals. While the number of animals wasn’t vast, it was enough to make the world feel more alive.
Initially, animals in GTA V weren’t a primary focus. Their main role, before the next-gen update, was limited to hunting. The game included a hunting mechanic that was necessary for 100% completion. However, with the next-gen update, animals gained more prominence.
New animals were added, and existing ones received new roles. For instance, Franklin had a mission where players had to travel across San Andreas, photographing the state’s wildlife. Completing this mission rewarded players with the Kraken Submersible.
Additionally, the introduction of peyote plants allowed players to temporarily control animals after consuming them, leading to some humorous in-game moments. A special golden peyote even let players become Bigfoot in the next-gen version of GTA V.
In contrast, GTA Online initially launched without any animals, which some players found immersion-breaking and left the world feeling empty. Realistically, if animals were included, they might quickly become endangered or even extinct due to the chaotic nature of online play.
Technical limitations and the game’s focus on criminal activities and empire-building made animals a low priority for GTA Online. The only animals present were cockroaches, monkeys in certain missions, and peyote plants, which were added as part of the Diamond Casino and Resort update.
However, animals were eventually introduced to GTA Online in the expanded and enhanced editions for PS5 and Xbox Series with the December 2023 update.
Discover the Fauna of Red Dead Redemption 2
When Red Dead Redemption 2 was released in 2018, it set a new standard for detailed ecosystems in video games. The game features an incredibly rich and diverse wildlife system, with animals populating the vast landscapes of its five states, each displaying unique behaviors.
Eagles swoop down to catch fish, snakes, and rabbits, while wolves and grizzlies battle over carcasses. Animals interact with one another, and even domestic animals exhibit intricate behaviors. With over 200 animal species, Red Dead Redemption 2 offers a vibrant ecosystem, including fish that populate the rivers and lakes.
Animals are integral to the game’s world, providing resources for food and clothing. However, Red Dead Online faced significant challenges with animal spawning after the Moonshine update in December 2019. Players struggled to find animals for hunting, with only crows reliably appearing. This issue persisted until the Naturalist Update in 2020, but even then, the game continued to experience problems with animal spawns.
Despite the richly detailed open world of Red Dead Online, maintaining a consistent presence of animals has proven difficult.
As we look forward to GTA 6’s depiction of southern Florida, what kind of wildlife do you hope to see? Share your thoughts in the comments below.